From Injustice to Influence

for Many Hopes

Rescuing children from oppression and raising them to be adults of influence

Many Hopes rescues children from oppression and raises them to be adults of influence equipped to do justice for others, causing exponential impact. Many Hopes believes that children born into poverty can be changemakers in their communities.

KIN collaborated with Many Hopes to produce a short film about the Many Hopes Guatemala project as well as photography featuring the staff and children living in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. KIN’s lead photographer and film crew traveled to Guatemala to capture stories in images and videos of the project site, children and staff at Many Hopes.

Over the course of 5 days, our team produced a series of photos and video interviews and b-roll to be used for multiple campaigns for Many Hopes USA. The footage and photos have been used to promote and fund their program in Guatemala. Using the footage filmed on site, we produced a short video featuring the story of Santi, who as a child grew up in the Many Hopes program and is now a teacher at the school. The film has been used to create awareness about the program to major corporations and donors and has helped raise funds to sustain and expand the Many Hopes Guatemala program.
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